
The sessions will take place on February 27th at the Hyatt Regency Hotel On Seattle’s East Side.

Time Hyatt - Regency Ballroom A-C Hyatt - Juniper
9:00 am Consuming and Publishing data in the Windows Azure Marketplace Frank: the Web API DSL
9:20 am Composition using MEF Understanding Computation Expressions
9:40 am Functional Testing: Going Beyond Simple Validations. What’s Next? Composable mobile UIs with F# and WebSharper
10:00 am Fast, Faster … Async ASP.NET FAKE - F# Make
10:20 am Extending to the Cloud with Windows Azure Effective Data Visualization: The Ideas of Edward Tufte
10:40 am Break Break
11:00 am Software Gardening Architecting for a Mobile World: Part 1
11:20 am The dynamic keyword in the real world Architecting for a Mobile World: Part 2
11:40 am Silverlight 5 PivotViewer Meet the Codeplex Team
12:10 pm Using the SQL Server Compact Toolbox Visual Studio add-in Meet the Codeplex Team continued
12:30 pm Lunch Lunch
1:30 pm Alternative to WCF RIA Services An Introduction to Fsharpx
1:50 pm ALM Practices - Is my project too small to be worth it? Barb - A Simple Dynamic Language Similar to F#
2:10 pm Using the Database features of Visual Studio 2010 Roslyn in T4
2:30 pm Getting The Most From Your MVP Status Combined with Room 1
3:30 pm Sessions Over Sessions Over

Session Details

Consuming and Publishing data in the Windows Azure Marketplace

Joe Kunk

This talks is an overview of the dozens of databases that can be consumed from the Windows Azure Marketplace, many for free or nearly free. Includes data from the United Nations on global issues, the U.S. FBI on crime, Zillow on real estate, China business KPIs, and U.S. demographics by zip code, and others. This data is easily consumed by Excel or as an OData web service. Plus you can easily publish your own data in the marketplace in a few hours. This is a treasure trove of business data that every MVP should be aware of.

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Composition using MEF

Kathleen Dollard

MEF, Microsoft’s Managed Extensibility Framework, offers a tool to hook up software units in a loosely coupled manner. Very similar to IoC (Inversion of Control) containers, MEF allows discovered or configured resolution of concrete parts corresponding to contract requests. This talk covers composition basics and MEF features including discovery, inference, and metadata.

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“Extending to the Cloud” with Windows Azure

Alan Smith

Extending to the cloud involves developing hybrid applications that leverage the capabilities of cloud based platforms. Many of the Windows Azure solutions developed today involve extending the capabilities of existing applications and infrastructure to leverage the capabilities of Azure. These hybrid applications allow developers to combine the best of both worlds. Existing IT infrastructure can be utilized and the capabilities of cloud platforms used to extend the applications, providing enhanced functionality at minimal cost. Session will highlight how the hosting, compute and storage capabilities in the Window Azure platform can be used to extend on premise applications to the cloud. The rendering of 3D animations and cloud based source control will be used as case studies.

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Software Gardening

Craig Berntson

Creating great software is not like construction. It’s more like gardening. In this session you will learn about important software gardening concepts such as soil, water, seeds, light, pruning, insecticide, weeding, and more. Along the way you’ll see processes, concepts, tools, and techniques that you can use in your software gardening project. By applying the ideas presented in this session, your software will be lush, green, and vibrant.

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Getting The Most From Your MVP Status

Lee Brandt

This should be a discussion or open space on getting the most out of your MVP status. The best ways to interact with the product groups, other MVPs, insider groups, etc. I’ve been an MVP for a couple of years now and I am still not sure I am getting the most (or giving the most) out of that status.

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The dynamic keyword in the real world

Shay Friedman

The dynamic keyword was introduced on .NET framework 4 but hasn’t gained a lot of fans so far. In this short session I will try to browse a few real-world scenarios where the dynamic keyword might fit in, and try, with your help, to get to a conclusion - whether the dynamic keyword is useful or not.

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Silverlight 5 PivotViewer

Tony Champion

Silverlight 5 introduced the second version of the PivotViewer control, formerly a Live Labs product that is built on the DeepZoom technology. PivotViewer allows you to present large amounts of data in a visual and interactive way. It also includes an inteface for built in searching, filtering, and sorting capabilities. See the PivotViewer in action and learn how it can be integrated into your applications.

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Using the SQL Server Compact Toolbox Visual Studio add-in


A quick demo of the time saving features of the SQL Server Compact Toolbox add-in, that is a required tool for anyone using SQL Server Compact with Visual Studio

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Functional Testing: Going Beyond Simple Validations. What’s Next?

Jim Holmes

Functional test tools/frameworks make it easy to do workflows and validations. I’m interested in talking about what we should be looking at next. Should tools help us look at the domain model? What about test oracles for true validation at the system level, not just the UI? Should we be thinking about the equivalents of cyclomatic complexity for our functional tests?

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Alternative to WCF RIA Services

Matthieu MEZIL

You know WCF RIA Services and you find that many things are missing? In this session you will discover an alternative to WCF RIA Services based on “classic” WCF generated using T4

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ALM Practices - Is my project too small to be worth it

David V. Corbin

Much is written on ALM practices for larger projects, and there is often the perception that there is too much overhead to provide sufficient benefit at the lower end of the spectrum. This talk will examine the application of TFS 2010 and general Agile practices in a variety of projects. The primary focus will be the development of a critical application by a 6 man team in a 12 week period.

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Effective Data Visualization: The Ideas of Edward Tufte

David Giard

We spend much of our time collecting and analyzing data. That data is only useful if it can be displayed in a meaningful, understandable way. Yale professor Edward Tufte presented many ideas on how to effectively present data to an audience or end user. In this session, I will explain some of Tufte’s most important guidelines about data visualization and how you can apply those guidelines to your own data. You will learn what to include, what to remove, and what to avoid in your charts, graphs, maps and other images that represent data.

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Using the Database features of Visual Studio 2010

David Giard

Visual Studio provides a set of integrated tools that assist developers in managing and deploying SQL Server database objects. In this session, I will explain and demonstrate how to use as many of the following tools as time allows: • Database projects • Refactoring Database objects • Schema Compare tool • Data Compare tool • Generating Data • Database Unit Tests

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Architecting for a Mobile World

Steele Price

The world is going mobile, is your architectural mindset going with it? The days of the monolithic application and even simple demos are numbered, while these may live on in legacy support for some time, their usefulness will diminish rapidly. How do we change the way we think about building applications in a world filled with Clouds and Mobile Devices yet still provide a powerful desktop experience? Come see how we built a new social application designed and created for just that purpose.

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Frank: the Web API DSL

Ryan Riley

Minimize your Web API development with Frank.

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Understanding Computation Expressions

Richard Minerich

Computation expressions are one of the most interesting features to learn when coming to F# from C# or VB, but also one of the most intimidating. There’s literally nothing like it. Come learn what they are, how they work, and why they’re so useful.

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Barb - A Simple Dynamic Language Similar to F#

Richard Minerich

Barb was born out of necessity. I needed a weakly typed dynamic and expression oriented language that hosted nicely inside of .NET applications for application users but nothing seemed to fit the bill. At first Barb was only good for predicate logic, but a few months into the project it now supports a reasonable subset of F# features. Feedback of all kinds is welcome!

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Composable mobile UIs with F# and WebSharper

Adam Granicz

In this talk I will demonstrate how to build composable, type-safe mobile UIs for Android and Windows Phone using F# and WebSharper, the versatile open source web and mobile development framework for F#.

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FAKE - F# Make

Steffen Forkmann

“FAKE - F# Make” is a build automation system, which is intended to provide a better tooling support than MSBUILD. Due to its integration in F#, all benefits of the .NET Framework and functional programming can be used, including the extensive class library, powerful debuggers and integrated development environments like Visual Studio 2010 or SharpDevelop, which provide syntax highlighting and code completion. The talk shows how FAKE can be used to build a small C# application.

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An Introduction to FSharpx

Ryan Riley

FSharpx ( is an open-source set of libraries that aims to provide a common set of functionality that extends or enhances various aspects of the out-of-the-box F# feature set. In this talk, I’ll go over the main building blocks that make up FSharpx and provide a few examples of how you can start taking advantage of this great set of libraries today.

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Meet the Codeplex Team

Mark Groves

The team who owns and runs Codeplex want to make sure Codeplex is your favorite platform for building and sharing community projects. In this session the Codeplex team will be sharing with you some of their thoughts future plans -and of course taking your input to shape the forth coming efforts

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Roslyn in t4

Matthieu MEZIL

Sometimes, we want to generate code from another code. In this session, Matthieu will present how to use Roslyn in a T4 to parse the original code for generating the new one.

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Fast, Faster … Async ASP.NET

Tiberiu Covaci

Do you have any page that needs to access a database, or a web service? Do any of those takes longer than 1 second to process on the server side? Do you know what happens to the rest of your application? All those questions will get at least one viable answer during this talk, together with some solution how you can solve the problems that may arise.

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