less than 1 minute read

Back a while ago, I created a site to track events at the Microsoft MVP Global Summit. I did this because there are so many after parties or events that happen at this summit as well as other conferences. Well I put up a site to track events at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference (PDC), it is PDCEvents.info

Check it out. I have already added the events two events to the site. **
Welcome Reception: https://bit.ly/pdc_1
Attendee Party**:https://bit.ly/pdc_2

The site has lots of feeds available, here are some links for the site:
Home Page: https://bit.ly/PDCEvents
iCal Feed: https://bit.ly/PDCEventsCal
RSS Feed: https://bit.ly/PDCEventsRSS
Maps Feed: https://bit.ly/PDCEventsMap
Mobile Site: https://bit.ly/PDCEventsMobile