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A few months ago a published an article on a Bootstrap Theme Switcher. I’ve since approved this post and the JavaScript and turned it into a jQuery plugin. This plugin works with the Bootswatch {:target=”_blank”} API to provide the user with the following:

  • Loads a list of available themes from the API into a SELECT or a UL,
  • Dynamically change the site theme to the selected theme
  • Manually change the theme
  • Save the selected theme to a cookie, requires the jQuery Cookie plugin,
  • Loads the selected theme from a cookie, requires the jQuery Cookie plugin,

The plugin also allows you to load a list of local themes in case you to not want to use the Bootswatch site.

Let me know what you think.


Download Link
jQuery Plugin page https://plugins.jquery.com/bootstrapThemeSwitcher/
GitHub Repository https://github.com/jguadagno/bootstrapThemeSwitcher
Demo site https://introtobootstrap.azurewebsites.net/

Next steps

  • NuGet Package
  • NPM module
  • Bower module