Using the Search Sitemap Provider with the ASP.NET Futures release
Just like the other Unleashed series of books, this one goes all out to explain Windows Presentation Foundation. The book actually has color examples which h...
Similar to other books in the “Unleashed” series, this book goes all out to explain Windows Communication Foundation in an easy to understand way. This book ...
This book is a must for those that want to go beyond the “Hello World” applications. It covers many of the “advanced” topics in building .NET applications. T...
Unfortunately with most books on web technologies they become outdated when they hit the press, this book is one of them. It, however, contains so good refe...
This book is a good for those of you who are experienced developers waiting to get into ASP.NET.
When they put the word Unleashed in this title they were not kidding. This book has everything (or at least everything I needed) as it pertains to SharePoint...
This book is built on the beta of version 3.5 of the .NET framework. Since LINQ is a subset of the language enhancements made to .NET 3.5, the author chose t...
So far I think every book or article I have read by Dino Esposito has been great, this is no exception! This book is broken up into three parts:
As with most of the content from Wintellect, this book is an in-depth look at the Windows Communication Foundation. There is plenty of code and examples look...