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Got a kid interested in Technology? Bring them to the Gankplank Jr track at Code Camp Jr. taking place at Desert Code Camp.

Schedule for the day

Time Event
9:00 Registration
9:30 Programming with Scratch
9:45 Free time with Scratch
10:15 Kid free play time
10:45 Lego Mindstorm NXT
11:30 Lego Mindstorm NXT free play time
12:00 Lunch provided by Gangplank Jr.
Bakugan Tournament  
1:00 Circuits
1:45 Free time with circuits and electronics
3:00 Wrap up
3:15 Free time with the computers

Computers will be provided, feel free to bring a laptop if you have.

Lunch will be provided by Gangplank Jr.

If you have any Arduino sets or Lego Mindstorm NXT sets feel free to bring them.

Register to attend: codecampjr2009.eventbrite.com

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Joseph Guadagno at jguadagno@hotmail.com

Recommended for kids from 4-18 years of age.

It is recommended that the kids are at reading age.

Schedule is subject to change.