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Book Review: Visual Studio 2013 Cookbook

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When I first looked at the title of the book Visual Studio 2013 Cookbook I wondered what it could be about.  You can’t cook with Visual Studio, at least not ...

Book Review: NuGet 2 Essentials

less than 1 minute read

A few months ago I was asked to be a Technical Reviewer for a new NuGet book coming out.  I happily said yes and a month or two later out came NuGet 2 Essent...

Bootstrap Theme Switcher

2 minute read

UPDATE: This is now a jQuery Plugin. See the post Bootstrap Theme Switcher jQuery Plugin. While creating a Proof of Concept design for a web site I was worki...

Obsessed With Finding a Better Way

2 minute read

For those that are friends, follow this blog or follow me on Twitter, know that about 9 months ago I started working at Rocket Mortgage as a Software Archite...

Twitter Bootstrap Resources

1 minute read

This does Over the past few months, I have built quite a few sites using Twitter Bootstrap. I think it is an awesome framework for styling websites and abstr...