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Desert Code Camp

1 minute read

I posted on Twitter today that Desert Code Camp is not happening this year. The venue that we use, Chandler-Gilbert Community College is going through some ...

So you want to be a Microsoft MVP

1 minute read

It’s very common for myself and other Microsoft MVPs to get asked “What does it take to become a Microsoft MVP” or “I want to be a Microsoft MVP, please tell...

Being More Productive with @Todoist

2 minute read

It’s not unusual nowadays for the typical person to be overwhelmed with tasks that we need to get accomplished on a day to day, week to week or just plain ne...

Speakers are not Idols

1 minute read

I’ve noticed that at a lot of conferences I attend conference attendees are afraid to approach the conference speakers. It would appear that some attendees t...

Bootstrap for ASP.NET MVC Review

less than 1 minute read

Starts off with a good introduction to using Bootstrap in your ASP.NET applications. It covers the default “File | New” experience, manually added files and ...

Pro NuGet Book Review

1 minute read

First off, I love the subtitle “Your Salvation from Dependency Hell’, although NuGet does offer its own Dependency Hell sometimes.

jQuery Twitter Bootstrap Flickr Carousel

less than 1 minute read

A few months ago I built a jQuery plugin that uses the Twitter Bootstrap Carousel to cycle through images on Flickr. In order to use this plugin you need to ...

Bootstrap Theme Switcher jQuery plugin

less than 1 minute read

A few months ago a published an article on a Bootstrap Theme Switcher. I’ve since approved this post and the JavaScript and turned it into a jQuery plugin. T...

Taking the “Leap” to Everleap

1 minute read

For the past 5+ years, I’ve had a few different sites hosted at Discount ASP.NET, this site being one of them. Recently, Discount ASP.NET released a new prod...